Qui êtes-vous ?

- Sara Nassar
- Beyrouth, Lebanon
- -"Je vois tout, je sens tout, mille détails entrent en moi comme de longues échardes et m'écorchent vive. Mille détails que d'autres ne remarquent pas parce qu'ils ont des peaux de crocodiles." Les Yeux Jaunes Des Crocodiles, Khaterine Pancol.
mardi 22 mai 2012
Tenzakar w ma ten3ad
I still remember when I was younger I used to constantly hear on TV the expression : “Tenzakar w ma ten3ad” and curious as I was (and still am), I asked my dad about it once and he told me : “It’s about the civil war that started in 1975, it was horrible people used to kill each other based on their ID cards, but don’t worry it won’t happen again, see? Tenzakar w ma ten3ad.” And I believed him like I always believe my dad.
Well, for the first time I can say that apparently my father was wrong. It’s true, we fight for the ban of sectarianism, some of us walked on the 6th of may during the Laique Pride demonstration, but some of them didn’t. They hid behind their closed doors, bloodthirsty, with this unexplained conveyed rage in them towards, well, someone with a different ID, someone praying for a same God, differently. Last night, they fired, they killed for lies to save their pride, they stained the ground with blood, burned tires (of course). Wait… for what? To break the unbreakable melting pot, Lebanon.
Well, guess what, this time we won’t leave, we won’t be kicked out of our own homes, our own country, they will leave.
Why? Because I still believe we are not that dumb! Why do we only brag about the 20 minutes distance between the mountain and the sea (work of mother nature) and not talk for instance about the hour we spend each morning next to the Jal el Dib bridge that was taken down only after the Ashrafieh building collapsed so that the government could save its ass? Why don’t we ALL demonstrate to fight against homophobia? Against sexism? Against racism? Against sectarianism? Against the constant rise of prices? Why don’t we scream for the rights of immigrants? For the rights of women? Of animals? Of life?
I think and will always think that we should go to war. Yes, we should go to war to fight our own inner battles. We’ve all faced and are all constantly facing turmoil and inner struggles in order to conform to the world we’re living in or even to just build our own identities and to, in a way promote the growth of “The Self”, to be raw, to find oneness.
Because, we demand peace and we scream in millions: “Tenzakar w ma ten3ad!”
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