Some see it as an unending highschool diary, others see it as a sign of immaturity, but I call it being alive.
Youth, an unquenchable fountain that arises in each one of us. Fountain of impetuous imagination, unyielding emotions, ice cold courage, lingering desires and cravings for adventure.
Youth, a state of mind, a state of will, that goes beyond wrinkles, botox injections and face-lifts. Youth softens the wrinkled hearts and widens minds through achievements, passions, hunger for life and thirst for triumph and success.
Youth, an eternal energy that is only measured by faith, by your everyday morning smile to the sun, and the number of times you clutch the knob of your door and open on up to the world running forward towards a new day since each day dawns but once.
Youth is laughing out loud, running faster then the wind.
Youth is climbing over the walls edified by a selfish and hedonist society, breaking the bricks that held them, spreading them back on the floor, building reality out of dreams.
Youth is speaking half a language and half god, facing an unalterable reality and undefiabletruths and facts.
Youth is laughing nights away stabbing cynicism between the eyes and crushing the spines of timidity and self-pity.
Youth is rocking the fuck out of the world disturbing peace, running with mud stained clothes, screaming freedom.
Youth is being able to say: "I have already emptied myself. I kissed regret goodbye, took the hands of another backwards angel, and rode backwards into the rain". Anis Mojgani.
Youth is saying : “I’m fifty, already, but I feel younger than a rotten spoiled teenager, I’m fifty and forever young.”
Youth of today, Youth of tomorrow:
Dreams are feasible,
The life injected in your souls awaits you, begs you to discover its inner virtues and forget for a while its outer shell.
Design your prayers, your mottos, faith is your best ally.
Fall only to rise up again, higher.
The caged bird still sings, sings hidden behind the bars of my half-wrinkled heart. The caged bird sometimes sings of youth.
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