On board of a train that rid the contour of my skin, we visited the museum of my mind where lies are thirty stories high.
See, I wanted to learn how to give, I learned how to eat it all,
I wanted to learn forgiveness, I learned revenge,
I wanted to learn love , I learned hate,
I wanted to defy the furious waves, instead I drowned,
I wanted to conquer the Everest instead, I conquered artifices and outright fakery,
On board of a train that rid the contour of my skin, we saw my soul folded in a bottle abandoned at sea.
On board of a plane that shove my vessels, we visited the cathedrals of my heart where the walls were scratched and the ground was cracked.
A choir was singing every single thing you ever did that bothered me, which is every single thing I miss today.
The sky painter had his head hammered on the ground tired of painting relentlessly a sky that kept on turning grey crackled by an endless thunder of unexplained anger.
The stained glass’s colors were fading after the dragon ate the sun, and felt humid at the touch of my hands.
The corridors of my heart felt like the corridors of a prison where the condemned awaits his sentence.
On board of a plane that shove my vessels, we saw my soul riding a bold zebra where all is black and white, all is extreme, everything imbalanced, chaotic.
See, a poacher stained my soul with the blooded feathers of my dove longtime gone and since my life is colorless.
See, a poacher stained my soul and I felt like I had nothing more to lose since he killed my dove, my inner peace.
See, I have nothing more to lose and nothing is more dangerous then someone who has nothing to lose.
Wait, let me cut the crap.
I can’t lose you.
I can’t lose our special bond.
I can’t, I just can’t.
Yes I still have something to lose and I’d kill even the air that will dare to come between us.
The museum of my mind will find his genuineness, the cathedrals of my heart their harmony, with less hypocrisy and more earthshaking truth facing attitude.
hypocrates will fall