Sometimes, I would like to sail far away out of my head… But tonight, that is out of the question…
Tonight, standing at the dawn of 2012, I like to thing I am a blank slate, a “tabula rasa”… Standing on the edge of a mirrored pool, I see nothing, not a mere wrinkle on the water’s surface, I know the image is under construction, I know I have 366 days till Tuesday, January 1st, 2013 not to try and make things right, but to try and make things bolder, strained with a strokes of fire and gold, and even more gigantical!
Tonight, it doesn’t interest me what is your name, how old you are, where do you come from, who or what do you pray for or what you do for a living. I don’t care who you are. I just wish for your soul to…
1- I wish you to break the wall of illusions infecting you with a cloud of lies and pain, preventing you from seeing the truth that will or will not make you happy, but that will surely deliberate you.
2- I wish you to meet someone you can pour out your soul into and that will pour his/her soul into you in return. Someone who can share your silence, someone who can read your deepest scars, someone who can feel you vibrating so deep in his/her soul it hurts.
3- I wish you to find yourself, because the fountain of unconditional love is found inside each and every one of us. Let it quench your aching need for others’ approval, let it detach you from Mother Otherness and connect you to Mother Nature because no matter who you are, or where you come from, what car you drive or purse you carry you will irrevocably remain implanted in the heart of nature.
4- I wish you to embrace your flaws, color them with good intentions! Learn to understand your flaws, cherish them, make them yours, share them! Don’t see them as weaknesses! Perceiving them that way is a sure road leading to rejection, not only from others but especially from yourself to yourself.
5- I wish you to visit this infinite museum inhabiting your skull. Discover the beauty of your mind, its paradoxes and its games. Master it! Use it! Manipulate your brain into working towards good thoughts, good words and good deeds instead of wasting it manipulating others and getting drawn away with fakery and superficial matters.
6- I wish you to stop swallowing immediately everything our culture spoon-feeds you! Create your OWN culture, we’ve all been granted the power of creation. I think it is high time that we all begin by looking at ourselves, evincing the lies we swim in daily and designing with our own bare thoughts what we really seek from our culture.
7- I wish you to learn to love independently of the other person. I want you to learn to love purely, I want you to turn “Love” into a simple state of being. Doing this is the only way that will lead you to the true essence of love, for love is an energy, a power not to be tied to others but shared.
8- I wish you to open up, to free yourself. Locking the closets of your heart will make the sheets of your soul rot. Open your shell, let the sun rise inside of you, let it rain inside of you, let the thunder rock your walls. Empty yourself; it is the only way for you to become full again.
9- I wish for you to understand that everything is Dual, everything is bipolar, everything comes in opposites but that all of theses paradoxes and conflicts you encounter can be reconciled because at the end of the day, the oneness of the Universe always prevails.
10- I wish you to be proud of your freedom. I wish you to claim it on the top of rooftops! I wish you to live it fully, to feel the grace and love it grants you. I wish you to be free and to let others be free, but most importantly to help the unfreed free themselves.
Finally I wish you to go AGAINST THE STREAM…
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